

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How Often Do Veneers Need To Be Replaced?

A smile is a great weapon one should not underestimate; it creates a positive attitude and gives an unforgettable impression. Veneers are great for scanning your teeth, but like any irreversible treatment, they have a life span. People do not always understand when it is time to replace veneers, and it is okay because not everyone is a dentist. Let’s look at the six most common reasons that point to the fact that it is high time for a change with Springtown Smiles. Well then, sit back, take a deep breath, and let us help you understand how you can maintain your glittering smile.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin layers of porcelain, which a dentist can cement to the surface of your current teeth. Expert personnel develop them through teeth and with a whiteness of your desired level. Then, during two to three appointments, the dentist will shave a small amount of your tooth’s enamel to bond the veneers to your teeth and ensure they fit properly with no problems.

How Often A Person is Required To Replace Their Veneers?

To answer the question: how often do veneers need to be replaced, you should know that when it comes to the veneer’s toughness, it is almost equal to the general toughness of the teeth. However, while natural teeth differ from the cap sort, veneers bond to the front side of existing teeth with a special cement. That glue weakens thereby with time, even if no more pressure is applied to the teeth.

Hence, if you take good care of your veneers, there is the potential to have them for some time, 10 to 20 years. That lifespan can be decreased if you consume drinks or food that discolor your teeth, use them as utensils, or are not very diligent in personal dental care.

When do you need to replace your veneers early?

Gums are pulling back
With time, one may realize that their gums have receded. This may be a direct cause of the veneers or poor oral hygiene. After this, a gap will likely form between your gum and the veneers, which may look slightly yellowed or stained. Thus, it is useful to have your veneers replaced to get rid of this gap and have a beautiful smile once again.

Veneers are chipped or cracked
Your veneers may chip or crack due to a physical blow, for instance, falling or bumping into something. When this occurs, they should be replaced as soon as possible. Sports such as rugby and boxing should be shunned by people with veneers, for they are dangerous and may ruin the veneers.

They feel uncomfortable to wear
If you have veneers that feel tight or you feel pain when wearing them, then it is time to get new ones. This refers to any eating, chewing, and speaking problems and when you often experience headaches or jaw pains. Your dentist may have overlooked your bite, which may explain why you’ve gotten veneers that do not fit properly.

The underlying tooth is decayed
Although veneers are an effective way of enhancing the beauty of your teeth, they only cover the front part, and the back is still vulnerable to decay. If the remaining portion of the tooth erodes because of a cavity, this will shift the veneers on your mouth, and you might end up with them falling off. If this happens, they’ll need replacing, and you might even need additional treatment on your tooth before the veneer is refitted. To prevent this, ensure that you always maintain a good hygiene level of your teeth and mouth.

Veneers are dark or stained
If either your veneers chip or become discolored or stained, they will require replacement. There are several reasons veneers will develop a black color, including eating habits, poor hygiene, and discoloration of the cement used in the process. If you see the darker coloration appearing on veneers, you should visit your dentist for a replacement.

They are still raw at some edges
Veneers are not shielded from normal wear and tear like any other beauty enhancement procedure. You will realize that your veneers will become rough after some time, and there may be rough edges around them. If this occurs, it is a sure way that they will need replacement. They normally indicate that they need replacement when this happens.

Ways on How You Can Extend the Duration of Your Veneers

Even if you try your best to maintain oral hygiene with the help of your dentist, your dental veneers will not last forever. Here are some suggestions to keep your dental veneers looking stunning for longer:

  • Do not employ your teeth for any purpose other than use on food substances. It is important to avoid using teeth to open things or bite something that is not food since this might damage your veneer.
    You must avoid tobacco products. Tobacco also discolors the teeth and will do the same to your new white veneer teeth.
  • Do not consume foods (and beverages) that cause discoloration of the teeth. Anything like pasta sauce, berries, different kinds of curry, soft drinks, wine, coffee, and tea can stain your teeth. As much as it’s fun to snack on sweets, it must be done in moderation to maintain white teeth.
  • One should visit the dentist for dental checkups and cleaning. Besides, routine professional dental checkups ensure your teeth are healthy.
  • Floss daily. Dental veneers do not mean you do not have to floss between your teeth. Brushing and flossing also contribute to healthy gums, and if there is a case of gum disease, your gums recede, leaving a gap to accommodate the veneers.
  • Use a mouth guard while practicing sports and a dental guard while sleeping if you clench your teeth. If you want to maintain your veneer in excellent condition, it is good to wear a guard since it will prevent porous porcelain from wearing out.
  • Make sure to use a gentle toothbrush with soft bristles and nonabrasive toothpaste. For instance, even regular brushing and flossing of the teeth can cause damage to dental veneers if done with excessive energy. This is because dental veneers are designed to be extremely durable if they are treated gently, they will last a long time.

Summing It Up

Regarding dental care, one must keep up with a scheduled check-up and teeth cleaning for a healthy mouth and teeth.

If you are unsure if you need new veneers, it is always right to consult the dentist at Springtown Smiles. They can look at your mouth and tell you their advice on whether or not you need to get new veneers.